Be Brave. Be Kind.

The word mantra means a statement or slogan repeated frequently. For the past few years we have picked “one liners” or a word that we could remind ourselves of throughout the year. Something that would remind us of our goal, our hopes, our outlook on what we wanted to accomplish each year. We have had words like purpose, intentional, and in 2020 it was faith, fun, and family. I giggled when I went back and reminded myself of 2020's words because to be honest, we didn’t really have them posted anywhere and it seemed to have gotten forgotten. BUT these words lived more true through our life last year more than any other year!
As 2021 approached and I started thinking about words that I wanted to have for the year, I wanted something that would resonate with my kids, too. Since 2020 was a unique year with so many plans changed and social calendars basically nonexistent - I wanted the words to be part of the way we lived each day as things started opening back up. AND my oldest would be starting part-time Pre-K. What could we give him that he could remember to say and carry with him throughout his day? What could we teach our 3 year old that she could remember? What as adults do we say to ourselves through the good days and the tough days?
Be Brave. Be Kind.
The more I started to repeat these simple four words, the more the meaning grew. I found myself repeating them to the kids in ALL different kinds of situations. I found myself reminding myself of these words as I looked at our businesses, our family, and around at the world.
Be brave.
Be kind.
I knew these were the words that I wanted for my family in this new year. I started to see, 'be kind' on a water bottle in the store or, 'be brave' on a cute sign - and then we knew what our next shirt had to be. :)
I don’t want to share all the ins and outs of what it means to our family because we want it to become YOURS.
Be Brave. Be Kind.